One of the points that were brought up at the BlogHer conference was that the L.A. Times has not had any female input on their blog regarding the Supreme Court appointment of John Roberts. I think they exaggerated a bit, because I checked it out and it's not completely female free. But I didn't leave a post, either, so I suppose they definitely have a point.
It's not like I don't keep up with the news, today I read about his lobbying past on the one hand and his gay rights good works on the other. On Bitch Ph.D she makes a trenchant commentary regarding Roberts. I'm not unaware; it matters to me. I could just see this coming, you know?
However, I also am around a very pragmatic young woman (my daughter), and her friends. Their attitude is that in the long run whatever's going to happen will happen, so what good does it do to get upset and worked up over it? Hmmm. (My daughter is generally not apathetic; she couldn't wait to turn 18 so she could vote.)
She and her friends merely feel that there's nothing that can be done about this particular issue. I've tried to impress on them that others feel differently (the folks at NARAL, for instance), but these young women feel it's a done deal.
So I decided to write on my own blog instead of the L.A. Times'. And all I've managed to put down is something that strikes of ambivalence, even though it's far from what I feel.
Ambivalence. Sigh. Done Deal. Sigh.
I can totally relate.
I've said virtually nothing on my blog about Roberts because I'm trapped in the ambivalent done deal thing and I don't like it.
As a lesbian mom of kids between the ages of 22 and 6 I should be able to give them something more than ambivalence to their done deal feelings, right?
I'm working on it...
Posted by: Denise | August 10, 2005 at 07:27 PM